Title: The Best High-Interest Investment Options in 2024

Introduction: In this video, the presenter discusses the best high-interest investment options for emergency reserves in Brazil in the year 2024.

1. CDL Celiteca da Caixa Econômica Federal – Pays 9.8% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 1,000 and matures in one year.
2. CDB do Banco Inter – Pays 100% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 500 and matures in three years.
3. CDB da Caixa Econômica Federal – Pays 100% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 1,000 and matures in one year.
4. CDB do Banco do Brasil – Pays 100% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 500 and matures in three years.
5. CDB do Banco do Brasil (in partnership with Team) – Pays 105% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 20 and matures in three years.
6. CDB do PagBank – Pays 10% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 1 and matures in two years.
7. CDB da Caixa Economica Federal (Liquidez Diária) – Pays 108% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 25,000.
8. CDB do Banco C6 – Pays 104% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 2 and matures in three years.
9. CDB do Banco BTG Pactual – Pays 101% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 50 and matures in one year.
10. CDB do Banco do Brasil (in partnership with PicPay) – Pays 102% of CDI, but requires leaving money idle for 30 days if you want the full 102% return; minimum investment is R$ 1 and matures in three years.
11. CDB do Banco P – Pays 110% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 5, but only matures in one year.
12. CDB do BMG – Pays 110% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 50 and matures in three years.
13. CDB de Liquidez Diária do Banco Sofisa Direto – Pays 110% of CDI with a minimum investment of R$ 1, but matures in three years.

The presenter encourages viewers to share where they plan to invest their emergency reserves in the comments and invites them to join his financial freedom course for comprehensive investment guidance.

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