Therapy is an important part of mental health care. Working with a therapist can be an effective way to treat chronic mental health conditions like anxiety, depression or trauma, and everyday concerns like relationship problems, stress and burnout. You may also seek therapy during difficult times, like after a death, through a divorce or during an election. If you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed during this post-election and holiday season, therapy may be the right course of action for you. In therapy -- which you may also hear called "psychotherapy" or "talk therapy" -- you meet with a mental health professional one-on-one or in a group setting to discuss your concerns and receive support to identify then reach your goals. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), there's a 75% success rate for those receiving psychotherapy. Preparar-se antes do primeiro atendimento terapêutico Documentação e informações importantes a serem preparadas Estabelecer metas realistas e acompanhar seu progresso It can feel anxiety-inducing to schedule your first therapy session with a new mental-health professional, especially if you've never had any counseling. After all, you will likely open up about deeply personal thoughts and feelings. Just remember, therapy is most effective when you're open and transparent with your therapist, which means you'll need to be vulnerable -- and it's normal for that to feel uncomfortable at first. Preparation can create a sense of safety, security and comfort. To prepare, follow these tips to make the most of your therapeutic journey.