Cansado de suores noturnos? Descubra a causa e refresque-se com estes 4 truques –

Getting about eight hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep not only drastically improves your mood, but it also boosts your energy and productivity, resets your metabolism and even increases your body’s ability to fight disease and illness.

But it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep if you keep waking up every few hours, soaked in sweat. Night sweats aren’t just annoying; they can also rob you of the restful sleep you need. Even if you go to bed early enough, you might wake up sweating a few hours later, kick the covers off, toss and turn, then force yourself to get up, peel off your damp pajamas and put a clean set of sheets on the bed.

If you’re waking up too hot, don’t sweat it — there are ways to stay cool while you sleep. We’ll discuss the seven leading causes of irritating night sweats and the best remedies to help you sleep soundly through the night. For even better sleep, read about our favorite mattresses and pillows of the year.

  • Ter cerca de oito horas de sono consistente e ininterrupto.
  • Não apenas melhora drasticamente o seu humor, mas também aumenta a sua energia e produtividade.
  • Além disso, redefine o seu metabolismo e até mesmo aumenta a capacidade do seu corpo de combater doenças e infecções.

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