Como a IA poderia mudar o carregamento de veículos elétricos

New AI tools could give utilities real-time data to make the power grid and EV charging more reliable, a very small study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and startup Utilidata suggests. The researchers are using AI to analyze EV charging behavior, hoping those insights might improve the experience for drivers and help utilities prepare for the spike in electricity demand.

So far, they’ve found that EV charging can draw power inconsistently and lower power quality, which can wear out charging equipment. Those underlying problems waste energy and could lead to busted EV chargers that have become a bane for drivers. So the ability to immediately spot and even predict those issues with AI could be a game changer.

AI models could give utilities a heads up on how charging might impact the power grid, the authors write. And they can also advise drivers on where and when to charge and help EV charging companies better maintain their equipment.

  • Análise de comportamento de carregamento de veículos elétricos com inteligência artificial.
  • Utilização de dados em tempo real para melhorar a confiabilidade do grid e do carregamento de VE.
  • Identificação de problemas potenciais nos equipamentos de carregamento e na qualidade da energia.

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