Como preparar um ovo pochê em apenas 60 segundos –

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day, but I call it the biggest pain. Mornings are often rushed, which leads many people to make poor eating decisions — at least it does for me. Before you reach for a quick bowl of sugary cereal or zap a nutritionless bagel, try this method for making fluffy poached eggs in under a minute, with no mess to clean after.

The perfect poached egg takes nothing more than a microwave, a few ounces of water and one minute of your time. You can loft your puff of protein on a piece of toast or add it to a salad to bring to work for lunch, making it a delicious and utilitarian addition to multiple meals. I’ve taken to making a microwave-poached egg or two most mornings. My “most important meal of the day” is finally a source of lasting energy for the day and not a mix of unhealthy grab-and-go’s that don’t further my nutrition goals.

I’m not the only one taking advantage of this easy breakfast. After a Reddit deep dive spotting many microwave egg poachers, I found a nugget of advice everyone should know before sticking an egg in the radiation box: Avoid yolk explosions by poking it through with a toothpick. If you follow the tips in this article, you shouldn’t have to worry about a yolk explosion, but you’re better safe than sorry. Here’s how to make perfect microwave-poached eggs in under a minute.

  • Fácil preparação de ovos pochê no microondas
  • Opção saudável e rápida para o café da manhã
  • Ovos pochê são versáteis e podem ser adicionados a diversas refeições

Step 1: Fill a ramekin with about half a cup of salted, room-temperature water. It must be enough to completely submerge the egg. You’ll want enough water to submerge the egg but not spill over the top of the ramekin.

Step 2 : Crack one egg and drop it into the water carefully, trying not to disturb its structural integrity.

Step 3 : Place the ramekin in the microwave and cook on high for about 45 seconds, or longer if you prefer a firmer yolk. Cook the submerged egg for 40 seconds for a runny yolk and closer to a minute for a firm one.

Step 4 : Remove the egg gently from the water with a slotted spoon or wire skimmer.

Step 5: Serve over toast or a bed of greens with avocado, hot sauce, chili crisp and other accompaniments. In one or two tries, you’ll be able to fine-tune your poached egg to your perfect doneness, and then nail it every time.

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