Desidratado? Coma esses alimentos cheios de eletrólitos para se manter hidratado neste verão –

Thirsty? Dealing with a headache or having some wicked muscle cramps? It’s not just the heat. You’re probably dehydrated. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is make sure you’re drinking enough water. There are dangerous heat waves continuing to plague the country, with more to come. If you’re spending any length of time outdoors, you’re going to want to make sure you stay hydrated.

But water alone isn’t always enough to ensure you’re getting enough hydration in your life. You need to ensure you’re replacing lost electrolytes as well. While they’re easily replenished by chugging sports drinks and taking supplements, they can also be found in certain foods. In fact, many foods are hydrating and chock-full of electrolytes and nutrients, which can help quench your thirst while keeping you healthy. They’ll also go a long way in keeping you hydrated through the heat wave. We spoke with an expert to narrow down which foods you should keep stocked in your fridge and the key hydration benefits they provide.

Also, see how much water you’re supposed to drink, why you should drink more of it and get our expert electrolyte hacks to start using today. Hydration needs vary based on your size, activity level and how much you sweat. Gabriela Barreto, a registered dietitian and sports nutritionist says there are two indicators of hydration level: your thirst and the color of your urine. “Drinking to thirst can be appropriate for most individuals to maintain their hydration levels and as for urine, you’re looking for a pale yellow color,” says Barreto.

She says the only times you shouldn’t be concerned about the color of your urine are during your first pee of the morning because it tends to be dark, or if you are taking vitamin B supplements, which make urine more likely to appear bright yellow. Read more: Best Reusable Water Bottles Barreto recommends that besides food and water, a hydration supplement such as Skratch can benefit individuals with active jobs and people who work out or spend a lot of time in the heat outdoors. “Utilizing a hydration product can be useful to increase your body’s water stores,” she says. “I recommend a hydration product with 300 to 500 milligrams of sodium and preferably about 20 grams of carbohydrates.”

  • Manter-se hidratado é fundamental durante ondas de calor
  • A reposição de eletrólitos também é crucial para a hidratação adequada
  • Além da água, certos alimentos também são ricos em eletrólitos e nutrientes

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