Dicas e respostas do NYT Connections de hoje para 30 de julho, #415 –

The New York Times Connections puzzle was a bit of a stumper for me today. (Spoilers ahead.) I know that “facility” can mean ability, but I always think of it as a building, and with a category of other buildings, things became confusing fast. Read on for hints and answers. Want more game answers? Here’s the Wordle answer for today, and here’s the answer for Strands. And do you solve the NYT Mini Crossword? Here’s today’s answer for that. Read more: NYT Connections Could Be the New Wordle: Our Hints and Tips

  • Puzzle do New York Times Connections apresentou um desafio hoje.
  • Havia dúvidas sobre o significado de “facility” e sobre como agrupar os edifícios.
  • Confira as dicas e respostas para a resolução do puzzle.

Here are four hints for the groupings in today’s Connections puzzle, ranked from the easiest, yellow group to the tough (and sometimes bizarre) purple group.

Yellow group hint: The bee’s knees.

Green group hint: Lay it all out.

Blue group hint: Mad skillz.

Purple group hint: Multiple structures.

  • Yellow group: Peachy keen.
  • Green group: Provide more details.
  • Blue group: Ability to do something well.
  • Purple group: Group of buildings.

Playing is easy. Winning is hard. Look at the 16 words and mentally assign them to related groups of four. Click on the four words you think go together. The groups are coded by color, though you don’t know what goes where until you see the answers. The yellow group is the easiest, then green, then blue, and purple is the toughest. Look at the words carefully and think about related terms. Sometimes the connection has to do with just a part of the word. Once, four words were grouped because each started with the name of a rock band, including “Rushmore” and “Journeyman.”

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