Esses 6 erros fiscais podem fazer com que você seja auditado pelo IRS –

Filing season can be a stressful time for many Americans. The challenge of having to navigate countless forms and compiling all of the correct information can turn tax season into an overwhelming marathon of paperwork for many taxpayers.

The looming threat of an audit can crank up the stress of tax season even more. According to the IRS, an audit is simply a review of your accounts “to ensure information is reported correctly according to the tax laws and to verify the reported amount of tax is correct.” Still, many Americans fear making mistakes on their tax returns.

So, what are your changes of being audited? Regardless of income, your chances of being audited are pretty slim. Of the roughly 165 million tax returns the IRS received in 2022, approximately 626,204 — or less than 0.4% — were audited. A review of a federal tax return can be triggered at random, but certain behaviors are more likely to be flagged than others.

  • Estação de arquivo pode ser um momento estressante para muitos americanos
  • O desafio da navegação por inúmeras formas e compilação de todas as informações corretas
  • O medo iminente de uma auditoria pode aumentar o estresse da estação fiscal ainda mais