Esta startup de tecnologia climática quer capturar carbono e ajudar os data centers a resfriar – The

Data centers are a growing climate problem, especially as all the energy needed to train AI models inflates tech companies’ carbon footprints. A startup that spun out of Google’s “moonshot factory” X says its technology can provide a potential solution. It can pull carbon dioxide out of the air, run partially on servers’ waste heat, and even generate water to help cool a data center more efficiently. The company, 280 Earth, just signed a $40 million agreement to capture carbon dioxide emissions for some big names through an initiative called Frontier that Stripe, Alphabet, Meta, Shopify, and McKinsey launched in 2022 to support emerging carbon removal tech.

The buyers include Frontier’s founding members as well as Autodesk, H&M Group, JPMorgan Chase, Workday, and other brands. Filtering CO2 out of the air is trending among companies trying to hit sustainability targets but still struggling to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by turning to clean energy. Frontier has also brokered deals between big tech companies and other startups working to capture carbon using rocks, liquid smoke, and even sewage.

“When we started 280 Earth as a moonshot at X, our vision was always to find a radically effective, affordable and scalable way to remove billions of tons of carbon from our atmosphere. We’re excited to see this momentum with Frontier buyers,” Astro Teller, captain of moonshots at Alphabet’s X, said in an emailed statement.

  • Tecnologia para capturar CO2 do ar
  • Reduzir emissões de carbono das empresas de tecnologia
  • Formatos inovadores de capturar carbono

#tecnologia #primeirapágina #dasAlteraçõesClimáticas #ambiente #Ciência #energia #tecnologia

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