IA Não Ameaça Devs; Salvamento Automático no VS Code; Ex-Google Detona Agile #135

Title: The Compilado Discusses Open Finance, Opportunities in New Markets, and Insider Giveaways

In this video, the hosts of “The Compilado” discuss various topics related to technology and finance. They talk about Open Finance, a concept that allows users to share their financial data with third-party applications for better management and services. The hosts also mention Open Farmacy, an initiative to open up the pharmaceutical market.

They highlight the importance of certification in ensuring security and privacy of transactions and data within these new markets. A viewer shares his experience working directly on Open Finance projects and how it helped him secure a senior position at a reputable company.

The hosts also share feedback from viewers, thanking them for their support and encouraging continued learning to seize opportunities in emerging markets. They promote the Compilado Club, which offers exclusive benefits to members, and announce a giveaway of a Compilado t-shirt.

Additionally, they remind viewers about an ongoing Insider gift card giveaway for those who comment using the #insider hashtag on previous episodes. The hosts conclude by discussing potential changes in their release schedule and ask viewers for feedback via social media to help them make a decision.

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