“KDE Plasma NÃO é Windows” e COSMIC do Pop!_OS tomando forma!

KDE Plasma NÃO é Windows e COSMIC do Pop!_OS tomando forma!

KDE Plasma NÃO é Windows e COSMIC do Pop!_OS tomando forma!

O autor Diolinux recently posted a video on YouTube discussing the similarities and differences between KDE Plasma and Windows, as well as the upcoming COSMIC desktop environment for Pop!_OS.

Similaridades entre KDE Plasma e Windows

  • Both have a familiar interface that users of previous versions of Windows will find easy to navigate.
  • Both offer a wide range of customization options, allowing users to tailor the desktop environment to their preferences.
  • Both support a variety of third-party applications and extensions.

Diferenças entre KDE Plasma e Windows

  • KDE Plasma is open-source, while Windows is proprietary software.
  • KDE Plasma offers a more flexible and customizable interface, while Windows has a more rigid layout.
  • KDE Plasma supports multiple desktop environments, while Windows only supports the traditional desktop environment.


COSMIC is a new desktop environment that is being developed specifically for Pop!_OS. It is based on the GNOME 3 desktop environment, but with a more streamlined and modern interface.

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