Mantenha sua casa fresca e suas contas de energia baixas com estas dicas –

Now that summer is on its way out, it’s time to usher in the fall. That should mean a reprieve from the scorching heat, which routinely proved it had no issue working to break last summer’s record-breaking temperatures. The average cost of keeping an American home cool continues to rise, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend an entire paycheck to reap the benefits of an air conditioned home. In fact, there are several ways you can keep your living space comfortable and breezy without having to spend a single cent more.

When dealing with sweltering temperatures, you need an air conditioner that can keep your home cool. It’s understandable to want a comfortable environment to live in, but it’s also important to remain conscious of how energy-efficient your home is. You may be tempted to turn the temperature on your thermostat all the way down, but lowering the temp will make your electric bill rise — especially with thermostat. So, we’ve compiled some tips to keep your home as comfortably cool as possible while minimizing the amount of electricity you use. Something as simple as turning on a fan or closing the blinds during the day can make a big difference. Here are six tricks to keep your home cool and use your thermostat more economically when it’s warmer outside. (For more, we also recommend investing in a smart plug or a smart thermostat, adjusting the temperature of your thermostat and weather-stripping to save extra cash.)

If your home isn’t brand new, the cold air inside is probably seeping out through doors and windows with spotty seals, a poorly insulated attic and other locations of sneaky cracks. To see how well your home is holding the cold in, sign up for a home energy audit with your utility provider or a local contractor. A certified home energy rater or auditor will check your home for leaks and recommend the best way to make your home more energy-efficient.

Don’t want to spring for an audit? You can do a DIY audit instead. Stand outside your home and run your hand around the windows and doors. Can you feel the cold air escaping? If you do, caulk around leaky windows and add insulation around doors.

  • É hora de se preparar para a chegada do outono após o verão.
  • Há várias formas de manter a casa fresca e confortável sem gastar muito dinheiro.
  • Dicas simples, como fechar as cortinas e se atentar à eficiência energética, podem fazer toda a diferença.

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