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Do you need a batch of distilled water in a pinch? Thanks to its sterile qualities, distilled water is optimal for use in humidifiers and other appliances. It’s ideal if you’re planning to make your own kitchen and bathroom cleaner. And it’s recommended for use in nasal rinsing; earlier this year, a CDC report highlighted the increased risk of Acanthamoeba infection in patients who used tap water. Luckily, distilled water is free and easy to make with all-natural common household items that you likely already have. We’ll show you how to make it happen with just two pots, ice, tap water and a stove.

For people suffering from sleep apnea who use CPAP machines or any other sort of humidifier, distilled water is essential. It’s also useful if you don’t want additional minerals in your water. If you live in a place with “hard” water, or water with lots of chemicals, you can even use distilled water to protect your hair when washing it. However, since distilled water doesn’t have minerals like calcium and magnesium, it tastes bland and isn’t the best for drinking. You can buy distilled water at your local grocery store or on Amazon, but making it at home will save you money and keep a few plastic jugs out of the recycling system. Learning to make this bacteria-free water at home will also save you if the store is out of stock.

Below, I’ll walk you through the five steps to make your own distilled water. I’ll also explain the differences between all the types of water you come across in the store. For more tips, here’s how much you can save by switching from bottled water to a Brita filter, whether it’s cheaper to buy groceries online compared with the grocery store, and how to save money by making the food in your fridge last longer.

Tap water is the easy one. Turn on your kitchen faucet. Water comes out the tap. Voila! Tap water. The quality of tap water varies by location, and might contain traces of minerals specific to the geology of your region, as well as traces of chemicals used in municipal water treatment. Hopefully your tap water is safe to drink, but that’s not true for as many as 45 million Americans. Filtered water is one solution.

  • Distilled water is essential for humidifiers and appliances
  • Distilled water is recommended for making cleaners and nasal rinsing
  • Creating distilled water at home can save you money and be more environmentally friendly