Novo espaço, colchão velho: como enfrentar o dia da mudança como um campeão

Moving to a new place can come with a whirlwind of emotions. It’s an exhilarating and stressful experience all wrapped up in one timeframe. The most vital thing you want to ponder for a successful moving day is where you will lay your head to rest after a long day of moving. Having a foolproof moving day strategy is key, of course, and making a solid mattress moving plan for your big day can give you the quality rest you earned after a long day.

When brainstorming the perfect moving plan for your mattress, consider these two questions: 1) how old it is and 2) what condition it is in. On average, mattresses last about seven to ten years (with some making it to 20), depending on mattress materials and the level of care you take. The ultimate question you really need to answer is if you need to trash your old mattress and get a brand new one for your new place or keep your current one. That one decision will dictate how you execute your moving day plans.

If you decide your mattress is good enough to move, here’s what you need to know. Follow the steps below to prevent damage and wasted time. The type of mattress you have will dictate what kind of heavy lifting needs to be done. If you have a queen- or king-sized mattress, you might need someone to help you navigate your way out of your old place into your new one. It’s best not to bend your mattress to avoid ruining its springs and/or firmness.

  • Ao planejar o movimento do colchão, leve em consideração a idade e o estado atual do colchão;
  • Escolher se é necessário descartar o antigo colchão ou mantê-lo irá influenciar o plano de movimento;
  • É importante proteger o colchão durante o transporte com capas e tiras de amarração adequadas.