O que a Canonical vai fazer com o Ubuntu em 2024?

O que a Canonical vai fazer com o Ubuntu em 2024?

No seu canal, o Diolinux recently shared a video discussing the future of Ubuntu and what Canonical, the company behind the popular Linux distribution, might be planning for the next LTS (Long Term Support) version, which is expected to be released in 2024.

Imutável com Snap

According to the video, Canonical is considering a major change in the way it packages and distributes software. Instead of using the traditional flatpack format, which is specific to Ubuntu, the company might start using Snaps, a package management system that is more modular and flexible.

  • Snaps are already widely used in other Linux distributions, such as Fedora and openSUSE
  • They offer several advantages over traditional flatpacks, including better security, easier updates, and improved performance
  • By using Snaps, Canonical could make it easier for developers to create and distribute software for Ubuntu

Novidades do Microsoft

In addition to the potential changes in Ubuntu’s package management system, the video also discussed some exciting new features that might be coming to the Linux distribution. These include:

  • A new default theme that is more modern and visually appealing
  • Improved support for high-DPI displays and touch screens
  • Enhanced accessibility features, such as better support for screen readers and other assistive technologies

Cortana e Microsoft Ager Linux

Finally, the video touched on two interesting developments from Microsoft. Firstly, the company is reportedly working on a new version of its Cortana virtual assistant, which will be more integrated with the Windows operating system.

  • Cortana is already available on Windows 10, but the new version is expected to offer even more features and capabilities
  • Microsoft is also rumored to be working on a new Linux distribution called “Microsoft Ager”, which could potentially offer a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for Linux users

As always, these are just rumors and speculation, and there is no guarantee that any of these features or changes will actually make it into the next version of Ubuntu. However, if you’re a fan of the distribution, it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on the official website and social media channels for more information.

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