Por que Canonical continua com isso? – Ubuntu 23.04 – Review

Por que Canonical continua com isso? – Ubuntu 23.04 – Review

O autor Diolinux recently released a new video review of the latest version of Ubuntu, 23.04. In this article, we will highlight some of the key points from the video and provide our own thoughts on the matter.

New Features in Ubuntu 23.04

  • GNOME 44: The latest version of the GNOME desktop environment is included in Ubuntu 23.04, which brings many improvements and new features.
  • New Wallpapers: The default wallpapers have been changed to provide a fresh look and feel for the user.
  • Improved Performance: The latest version of Ubuntu includes many performance improvements, making it faster and more efficient than ever before.

Issues with Ubuntu 23.04

  • Bugs and Glitches: As with any new software release, there are still some bugs and glitches present in Ubuntu 23.04.
  • Lack of New Features: Some users may feel that there are not enough new features in this version of Ubuntu to justify the update.


In conclusion, the latest version of Ubuntu, 23.04, brings many improvements and new features to the table. While there may be some bugs and glitches present, the overall performance and user experience have been improved. If you are currently running Ubuntu, it is worth updating to this latest version to take advantage of these improvements.

Watch the full video review on YouTube

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