Sites secretos das passagens com MILHAS! 🔐✈️ #milhasaereas #viagem

Sites Secretos das Passagens com MILHAS! 🔐✈️

Are you tired of spending too much money on flights? Look no further! In this article, we will reveal three powerful tools that helped me buy better passes with miles in 2023. These tools are Flight Connections, P Aero, and Spy.

Flight Connections

The first tool I want to talk about is Flight Connections. This website allows you to see the main routes of the largest airlines in the world. With this information, you can plan your trip and find the best deals on flights.

Flight Connections

P Aero

The second tool I want to talk about is P Aero. This website and application allow you to filter the largest loyalty programs and see flights with multiple airline partners at promotional prices. With this tool, you can find the best deals on flights and save money.

P Aero


The third tool I want to talk about is Spy. This website is a powerful tool that allows you to see a calendar of flights from departure and return in promotional prices. With this tool, you can plan your trip and find the best deals on flights.


These three tools helped me buy better passes with miles in 2023. I hope they will help you too! Don’t forget to save this video and share it with your friends who also want to travel more economically in 2024.

If you want to travel more economically in 2024, don’t forget to use these three tools. They are very powerful and can help you save a lot of money on flights. See you in the next video!

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