Umbrella Academy Temporada 4: 14 perguntas candentes que a série da Netflix precisa responder –

Many spoilers for Umbrella Academy seasons 1 through 3 follow. The Umbrella Academy’s final season is almost upon us. Netflix will be dropping the ultimate season 4 tonight, Aug. 8 , at 12:01 p.m. PT. Today, the show teased the final season with a sneaky release of the first six minutes of episode 1, introducing new characters Gene and Jean Thibedeau. Umbrella Academy season 4 begins with a very new problem for the Hargreeves clan — they’ve lost their superpowers. While the teaser and trailer for the season both indicate that they’ll get their powers back, there are a lot of questions about this new universe the Brellies find themselves in. At the end of season 3, Reginald’s plan to reset the universe seems to have worked — he’s apparently a corporate giant in this new timeline, with his restored love Abigail by his side. However, since Allison killed him before he could finish his work completely, the Brellies’ loss of powers might not be the only glitch in play. Mysteries abound as we inch closer to the Umbrella Academy’s final season. Here are the questions we want Umbrella Academy season 4 to resolve.

  • Os irmãos Hargreeves perderam seus superpoderes no início da nova temporada.
  • Novos personagens Gene e Jean Thibedeau são introduzidos.
  • Reginald planeja resetar o universo, afetando o destino dos personagens.

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