Veja como obter atualizações ao vivo para mostrar no Google Maps com o Android 16 beta


How to Get Live Updates on Google Maps with Android 16 Beta

How to Get Live Updates on Google Maps with Android 16 Beta

  • Google Maps now supports Live Updates feature with Android 16 beta 2.1.
  • Live Updates is a new feature that displays relevant and timely information from apps in real-time.
  • Users can test this feature on supported Pixel devices by navigating using turn-by-turn directions in Google Maps.
  • Android 16 is expected to launch in the second quarter of 2025, earlier than usual.

The Android 16 Logo

Google Maps now takes advantage of Android 16’s Live Updates feature in the latest 2.1 beta build. Live Updates is one of Android 16’s more interesting features and it’s now available for Google Maps users. This feature pulls relevant and timely information from an app, like a delivery service, to track something you’ve bought as it progresses from order to delivery.

Blake Stimac, Writer

According to Blake Stimac, a writer with over a decade of experience in the tech scene, Live Updates are Google’s answer to Apple’s Live Activities feature. Android 16 is expected to launch in the second quarter of 2025, a few months earlier than its typical third-quarter launch. Users can test the feature for themselves, given they own a supported Pixel device. Simply navigate somewhere using turn-by-turn directions in Google Maps to see the Live Updates chip in action.

Screenshot of Live Updates chip in Google Maps

Live Updates aren’t anything we haven’t seen before, but it is a meaningful new feature for Android that should make your next delivery or Lyft ride easier to keep track of. For more, don’t miss the Android security and privacy features you should know about.
