Ao pensar na sua existência, você pode se sentir azarado. After all, the chances of you being born are extremely low.

The Odds of Your Existence

To put things into perspective, consider that there were 200 million sperm cells competing to fertilize your mother’s egg. You were the lucky one who won the race.

According to Science Daily, the chances of you being born are comparable to winning a lottery with 200 million participants. It’s a mind-boggling thought, isn’t it?

  • Your existence is a result of a series of unlikely events that occurred over the course of your parents’ lives.
  • The odds of your father producing the exact sperm cell that fertilized your mother’s egg were incredibly low.
  • If your parents had chosen not to have children, or if they had conceived at a different time, you would not exist.

The Improbability of Your Existence

To put it simply, the probability of your existence is incredibly low. You are one of 7.9 billion people in the world, and each person’s existence is a result of a series of unlikely events.

Watch this video from SciShow Kids to learn more about the odds of your existence.

So, the next time you feel like you’re just another face in the crowd, remember that your existence is a true miracle. You are one of a kind, and your life is precious.


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