Você pode reduzir o brilho do seu iPhone ainda mais do que o normal. Veja como

Sometimes even the lowest brightness level on my iPhone is too bright. It might be when I’m in a theatre right before a movie’s about to start or in my bedroom during the middle of the night, and I realize that my display is still incredibly bright, even at it’s dimmest.

A bright display can be a distraction or an annoyance to those around you, but it can also be an issue to you as well. A bright display can strain your eyes and affect your body’s circadian rhythm, messing with your sleep and make it so that you’re exhausted the next day.

Whatever the reason, your iPhone’s screen may be too bright, and unfortunately, you can’t drop it any lower. But like with so many other features on iOS, there’s always a way to tinker with things, even if it’s not obvious at first.

  • O brilho da tela do seu iPhone pode ser muito forte;
  • Reduzir o ponto branco pode ajudar a diminuir o brilho da tela;
  • Você também pode utilizar o recurso de zoom para tornar a tela ainda mais escura.