Você também já fez esta besteira?

Você também já fez esta besteira?

O autor Denny Torres, da canal “Torres Tech”, recently posted a video on YouTube that has been making waves in the tech community. The video, titled “Você também já fez esta besteira?“, highlights the common mistake of applying thermal paste without first removing the protective film from the dissipator.

What’s the big deal?

You might be thinking, “So what if I apply thermal paste without removing the film? It’s not a big deal, right?” Well, actually, it is a big deal. The protective film on the dissipator is there for a reason – it helps to prevent dust and other contaminants from getting into the CPU and causing damage.

  • If you apply thermal paste without removing the film, you risk damaging your CPU and causing it to overheat.
  • The protective film also helps to ensure that the thermal paste is evenly distributed and doesn’t dry out before it can be applied.

So, how do I avoid this mistake?

To avoid this common mistake, make sure to always remove the protective film from the dissipator before applying thermal paste. This will ensure that your CPU is properly protected and that your thermal paste is applied evenly.

Watch the video to see Denny Torres demonstrate the proper way to apply thermal paste and avoid this common mistake.

In conclusion, applying thermal paste without removing the protective film from the dissipator is a common mistake that can cause damage to your CPU and lead to overheating issues. To avoid this mistake, make sure to always remove the protective film before applying thermal paste. Watch Denny Torres’ video for a more in-depth explanation of how to properly apply thermal paste.

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