Wayland quebra tudo? Licenças FOSS não são suficientes, mais regulamentação de IA: Linux & Open Source News

Hey everyone, it’s Nick and welcome to the last episode of Linux and open source news for 2023.

As we approach the end of the year, there have been some significant developments in the world of Linux and open-source software. In this video, we will explore some of the most critical stories of the past few weeks.

Firstly, Nate Graham from KD has addressed concerns about Wayland and explained why X11 isn’t suitable for modern use. He also discussed the recent GitHub repository created by the same person who wrote the blog post, who is one of the main developers for app images. The video provides a detailed analysis of the situation and highlights the limitations of X11.

Additionally, there have been some exciting developments in the world of AI and open-source software. Gen 2 has announced that they will provide binary packages for their repost, which will be used with their Portage package manager. This move is expected to improve performance and compatibility with various apps and libraries.

Furthermore, Firefox has announced its own AI toolbox, which will use private GPT to train a local AI with users’ browser history and other local files. This approach is unique and focuses on providing insights rather than replacing search entirely.

Finally, there have been some interesting developments in the world of regulation and open-source software. The US has proposed a new bill called the AI Foundation Model Transparency Act, which would require creators of AI models to disclose the sources of their training data. This move is expected to improve transparency and accountability in the development of AI models.

In conclusion, these developments highlight the ongoing evolution of Linux and open-source software. As we move into the new year, it will be exciting to see how these technologies continue to shape the world of technology and innovation. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye!

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