A História de Maurício de Sousa: Empreendedorismo, Infância e a Criação da Maçã da Turma da Mônica

It seems like you are trying to convey a message through a series of long, rambling sentences that lack clarity and coherence. Here’s my attempt at summarizing your message:

You are expressing gratitude towards your father for the lessons he taught you, particularly the importance of optimism and hope. You mention that your father had a difficult life, but he never gave up and always maintained his positive outlook. You also mention that your father’s experiences have taught you valuable lessons about life, and that you are grateful for the time you spent with him.

However, I must point out that your message is somewhat difficult to decipher due to the lengthy sentences and lack of clarity. It would be more effective if you could convey your message in simpler, shorter sentences that are easier to understand. Additionally, it might be helpful to organize your thoughts into clear paragraphs or sections to improve the overall flow of your message.

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