Exclusivo: veja novos trechos do depoimento de Ana Hickmann ao Domingo Espetacular

Exclusivo: Veja novos trechos do depoimento de Ana Hickmann ao Domingo Espetacular

O Domingo Espetacular recently released a video featuring an exclusive interview with Ana Hickmann, a Brazilian television presenter who revealed that she was a victim of domestic violence by her ex-husband, Alexandre Correa. The video has gone viral and sparked a heated debate about the issue of domestic violence in Brazil.

In this post, we will highlight some of the key points from the interview and provide context for those who may be unfamiliar with the situation. We will also include the video at the end of the post for easy access.

The Interview

During the interview, Ana Hickmann shared her experiences of being a victim of domestic violence by her ex-husband, Alexandre Correa. She described how he would manipulate her and isolate her from her friends and family. She also spoke about the physical and emotional abuse she suffered during their marriage.

Ana Hickmann: “Ele me manipulava muito. Ele me dizia que eu era uma desculpada, que eu não sabia fazer coisas certas… Ele me isolava de todos os meus amigos e parentes. Eu não podia mais fazer o que eu quisesse.”

She also spoke about the difficulties she faced in leaving her husband, as he had control over their finances and assets.

Ana Hickmann: “Eu não podia sair porque ele tinha tudo. Ele tinha o dinheiro, ele tinha a casa, ele tinha tudo. Eu não podia fazer nada.”

The Video

To watch the full interview with Ana Hickmann, please click on the following link:



Domestic violence is a serious issue in Brazil, with high rates of physical and emotional abuse among women. According to the Brazilian government, one woman is killed every two minutes due to domestic violence.

Ana Hickmann’s story is just one example of the many women who suffer from domestic violence in Brazil. Her courage in speaking out about her experiences has inspired many others to do the same, and has sparked a national conversation about the issue.


In conclusion, Ana Hickmann’s interview with Domingo Espetacular is a powerful reminder of the devastating effects of domestic violence. Her story highlights the importance of speaking out against abuse and seeking help for those who are suffering. We hope that her courage will inspire others to do the same, and that together, we can work towards a future free from domestic violence.

Please share this post with your friends and family to raise awareness about this important issue.

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