YouTube Premium vale mesmo a pena? Eu testei para que você não precise

Based on the provided text, here is a summary of the main points:

1. The writer is discussing their experience with YouTube Premium and the benefits it offers, such as ad-free videos, exclusive content, and offline playback.
2. They mention that the premium subscription is not worth the cost, especially when compared to other streaming services like Netflix.
3. They suggest that YouTube could improve its premium subscription by offering more benefits, such as discounts on Google products and services, or by integrating its content with other Google platforms.
4. They also suggest that YouTube could offer a bundle deal with other Google services, such as Google One, to make the premium subscription more appealing.
5. They conclude by saying that while they enjoy using YouTube Premium, they do not think it is worth the current price point and suggest that improvements could be made to make it more attractive to subscribers.

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